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Boston Real Estate: 10 Tallest Buildings on the Horizon

Boston RedevelopmentCan you picturewhat Boston's skyline might look like in few more years?To visualize it, it wouldbe helpful to have a map diagram and a list of the projected tallest buildings.The good folks at Curbed Boston have put together just that. Their "Boston's 10 Tallest Buildings by 2020" illustrates what we can probably expect when current and proposed construction is completed.Not surprisingly, the 52 story Prudential Center Tower will stay on that list. The 1964 construction tower will still be prominent on Boston's skyline, but two buildings will likely be taller than it four years from now. Those two buildings are 200 Clarendon (formerly known as the Hancock Tower) in Back Bay and the proposed Winthrop Square Tower at240 Devonshire Street.Read Curbed Boston's Boston's 10 Tallest Buildings by 2020.Are you interested in knowing more about the Boston real estate market? Here's my up-to-date citywide market report.Do you havequestions about buying or selling Boston real estate? Pleasecallme at617-584-9790 or email me viathe Questions? button below.I have helped hundreds of people buy and sell homes in my 24 years in Boston real estate. I'vemade a point of developing an extensive knowledge of Boston,itsneighborhoods,buildings, people, and all the issues involved in the local real estate market. I'd love to help you, too. Boston real estate 

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