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Boston Real Estate: Selling Your Boston Condo or Home

Boston real estate market #BostonRealEstate #BostonCondosHere's information that couldinterest you if you're thinking of selling your Boston condo or home. This graph illustrates the number of Boston residential units that have gone under agreement for purchase in the 30 day period ending April 15, 2016. It also shows how many listings were available at the end of that same period. In 2013, a new phase of low supply began and it has remained low every year since then.When we compare the amount of properties under agreement against the number available, we get what is known as an "absorption" rate. The rate is seen in months of supply, with most analysts considering a balanced market to be a three month supply. We currently have about 1.02 months supply. When the supply is lower than balanced, upward pressure is placed on the prices.Witha bitmore inventory than last year at this time (1.02 months supply versus last April's .96 month supply), there's slightlyless competition for buyers. That said, it's still a great market for sellers in Boston. If a property is priced correctly, shows well, and is well-located, it can go under agreement very quickly.I like to stress that, if you plan to sell your Boston condo or home even when demand is high, it's still very important to price it right from the start. My goal when listing a home is to capitalize on the motivation of serious buyers, and those are the buyers who will visit the listing within the first couple of weeks it is on market.You want to make sure you'll get them through your front door.I refer to pricing your Boston home correctly asone of four vital components to selling with a good outcome.An experienced broker who knows the market well willhelp you to understand the value of your home in the marketplaceand how to price it. They will expose your home to the widest possible group of qualified buyers, and show and represent your home in the best possible light. Most importantly,theycan give yousound guidance through the potential pitfalls that can, and do,derail real estate transactions.Ifyouhave been thinking about selling your Boston home or condo, or have questions about buying or selling Boston real estate, pleasecall me at617-584-9790. Or you canemail me viathe blue button below.I have helped people buyhomes and condominiums in Boston and its suburbs for over 24 years.I have developed anextensive knowledge of the city, neighborhoods, buildings, people, and the many issues involved in the local real estate market. I would love to hear from you. Boston real estate 

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