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Reading about Cities: A Grand Book List of City Ideas and Dreams

Boston Downtown Crossing Looking for some good reads for the holiday season? If you'd like to explore the ever-evolving organic species known as the city, Curbed Boston has published an intriguing new book list. I find that the holiday season can be a perfect time for settling in with a good book, and this list looks inviting!While Curbed's "101 Books About Where and How We Live"has many classics on the subject of urban environments, it offers plenty of new works witha vastarray of city-related topics. These include architecture, city and subway photography, city planning, city dwelling, travel, global economy, creativity, race, baseball, politics, living alone, water scarcity, walkability, infrastructure, eviction, city wildlife (think pigeons, rodents, and snails), among many others.The span of cities explored in the list is equally broad, with books about Auschwitz, Paris, Detroit, New Orleans, Cairo, New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Berlin, Shanghai, Boston, Flint, Seattle, London, Miami, and more. The list evenincludes a graphic novel by Chris Ware set in Chicago.Here'sCurbed Boston's 101 Books About Where and How We Live.Happy reading!Are you planning to relocate to Boston?Are you thinking about where to livein Boston?If you have questions about buying or selling homes in the Boston real estate market, please call me at617-584-9790, orsend me an email via the linkbelow. Boston real estate 

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